Andrew and Amy Moore
When a couple becomes a family with the birth of their first child a wonderful future begins to unfold. On April 16th 1994 we began that journey into family life. Our beautiful baby boy Andrew was born. A little baby who ate and slept in equal amounts and brought more joy into our lives than we had ever known. Almost three years later on February 5th 1997 we were joined by a pretty pink princess named Amy.
We were the luckiest family!!!!
Andrew truly had a heart of gold, kind, caring, witty, sensitive and full of completely unconditional love. Amy was a princess with beautiful blonde curls and wisdom far beyond her years. She loved to eat, sleep and dress up!!!
Brother and sister played together and of course fought occasionally but most of all they loved us and each other. They had a special bond and were often asked if they were twins (much to Andrew’s horror as he was almost three years older).
In 2003 we were told that both Andrew and Amy had a mitochondrial disease. An illness that would claim their lives. We were told that Amy would live for only another six to eight months. Our little six year old girl was dying. Andrew sat with her every evening after school and played and all the time he too was living with the same illness. Amy lived every moment of those months. She loved art, music and enjoyed many a home beautician session!!!!
On January 30th 2004 in the early hours of the morning Amy fell asleep for the last time in my arms in hospital while Andrew was being cared for by his daddy at home.
As a broken hearted family of three we laid our little girl to rest and continued to love and care for Andrew.
Andrew achieved his long held wish of attending secondary school and in particular woodwork class. Despite the fact that his hands no longer worked he loved woodwork and excelled at school. His other great love was music, particularly “The Dubliners” and traditional Irish music. He sat a business studies test on 30th of January 2008 (Amy’s 4th anniversary) but had to go to hospital the following day. He was due to launch a book he had written to help other sick children called “Handy Andy’s guide to TPN” that Saturday. Sadly he joined his sister in heaven that day, 2nd of February 2008 aged 13 years.
That family life that had began 13 years earlier ended. We will never forget the lessons taught to us by two special and brave little people. All who knew Andrew and Amy were touched by their love and their grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and many many friends were blessed with a love so strong it can never die.
There’s a time to remember, a time to recall,
The trials and the triumphs, the fears and the falls.
There’s a time to be grateful for moments so blessed,
The jewels of our memories where love is our guest.
There is gold that is gleaming in a past we once knew,
In our tears and our laughter ‘twas love brought us through.
And there’s a road we have traveled,
Where sunlight has kissed, that carries us onwards when loved ones are missed.
The sky is brighter now as our two stars shine for all the world to see
Loved forever and always to the stars and back,
Mammy and Daddy. xx