Donors Charter

You can download our donor charter here.

As a charity seeking donations from the public we, Anam Cara aim to comply with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.

  • Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness.
  • We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in Anam Cara.
  • Your donation will be handled responsibly and to the greatest advantage of bereaved parents and families throughout Ireland.
  • Be informed of the identity of those serving on Anam Cara’s governing board, and that the board will exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship and responsibilities.
  • Have access to Anam Cara’s most recent financial statements.
  • Be assured your gifts will be used for the core purposes of the organisation
  • Receive prompt acknowledgement and recognition of your donation if we have your contact information.
  • Be assured that information about your donation is handled with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  • Have easily available the agreed procedures for making and responding to complaints.
  • Have the opportunity for any names to be deleted from mailing lists and be assured that Anam Cara will not share our mailing lists with third parties.
  • Receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers to questions you might have of Anam Cara.
  • That Anam Cara will keep administration and fundraising costs to a minimum and will ensure the best use of public funding by always seeking a minimum of 3 quotes on any purchases over €500.
  • Our fundraisers and Fundraising activities will observe the highest professional standards at all times.
  • Your right to privacy will be respected and Anam Cara will comply with the laws relating to fundraising and use of personal data.
  • Where applicable, and with the PRSI information needed, tax relief on donations will be claimed
  • Anam Cara will seek to maximise the value of public donations by applying for funding and grants from official funding bodies e.g. the Government, the European Union, Philanthropic sources.

Thank you for your support it is very much appreciated.

If there is any aspect of our fundraising activities or donor charter you have concerns about, please contact our CEO at  All correspondence will be addressed and responded to within 5 working days.

Thank you!