Rachel Murphy
Rachel Murphy arrived in August 1999 in an awful hurry. It was like she wanted to make sure she got to see and do as much as she could over the 5 short years she was to spend on this earth.
A child of happiness;
always seems like an old soul
living in a new body and her face is very serious
until she smiles
and then the sun
lights up the world…
Rachel brought great joy and laughter to our family, she was 99% of the time in good form always singing, always smiling. The 1%… well lets say you just stayed clear till the mood lifted and the sun came out smiling again. There was no question about it Rachel was the real boss in our family.
Everyone will remember Rachel’s sense of humour it was fantastic and when she smiled or laughed it would light up a room. Rachel had a huge personality and a determination not to miss out on any of the action despite being the youngest in the family! This determination got her through the best and worst of times, she was a very brave little girl.
Rachel absolutely loved school, she would be first up each morning, uniform on and at the breakfast table. Her favourite activity there was “digging for worms” in the school yard with her best friend Caolinn.
Rachel also loved singing and dancing. The first sound we would hear when we woke up in the morning was her singing and the last thing we would hear when she went to bed at night was her singing! We were so proud of her and her sister when they danced and sang on stage at the Civic Theatre with the Pied Piper Arts School in June 2004. Three weeks later she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.
We miss you terribly Rachel, you have left a huge gap in our lives. We will carry you forever in our hearts and your life and death have taught us how to live and not to be afraid when it is our time to go.
Some say grief is just a wall that separates two gardens… If that is the case Rachel, you will always be… Forever Singing, Forever Dancing, Forever Young in your garden and we will remember and love you always in ours, till we meet again!
Love you to the Stars and back
Mum, Dad, Joyce, Dylan and MimMim XXX